SO… You’re Thinking About Going to Space?

Space travel. Have you ever thought about hitching a ride to the galaxy? Well, we have. This is exactly why we choose it as the subtopic for episode 12 of the RDT Podcast, Still Kickin’ It.

Ever explored what would be the best songs to listen to while blasting into outer space? If you haven’t, that’s okay, because we took care of the work for you. You will find that Pascal and I have complete different takes on what seems appropriate to listen to while strapped to the chair of a rocket moving a million miles per hour.

Pascal’s Selection

This is what a true astronaut should look like. Nasa needs to revamp its image.

Outro by M83. Ever heard of these guys? Me neither, not until Pascal dropped it into this playlist for the episode. What an incredible song though! There couldn’t be a better song to depict the journey in its entirety from the transition below, up and into the great expanse that is beyond. It’s ethereal, deep, and paints an iconic picture, the perfect soundtrack for a space voyage.

Aaron’s Pick

I am curious. What’s behind the blue crystal ball?

On the other hand, Venus by Lady Gaga, couldn’t be more of a polar opposite. Oh, ever hear of Lady Gaga? Yeah, me neither. This song is pure FUN. It was selected because let’s be real here, if I am strapping myself into a potential vessel of death and getting catapulted into space, it is for one reason, and one reason only, to leave this shit behind. So yeah, my GAY is COMING OUT!

Please, fill out the CONTACT form and drop us a line letting us know YOUR favorite songs to BLAST INTO OUTER SPACE to.